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Peachy Georgia

Georgia is a beautiful state - raw coastlines - lots of wetlands of tidal brackish water (salt and fresh water), lush living conditions for sea creatures, especially shrimp. Unfortunately, we've only had the frozen variety. Before we leave Georgia we have to have some of the fresh variety. Of course, with all the wetlands, a prime breeding ground for BUGS!! You'all know how much I dislike them and they always find me. We're covered with bug bites from no-see-em's - so tiny cannot see them but they bite BIG and PAINFUL and ITCHY!! Fortunately, OFF with deet seem to be a good deterrent. So, first thing in the morning, while dressing, wipe down with the OFF towelettes and add the spray half way through the day. It's giving time to the scabs to heal before adding new ones. DAMN BUGS!! Anyway, we're finally found a formula that works.

The area is beautiful and we've enjoyed our stay. We LOVE our camper trailer - the cargo space (in the front where the motorcycle rides when traveling) is a perfect space for an 8' table and two chairs for our office and laptops. Don't know how we would manage without this space for our clothes, dressing and 'stuff'. It leaves the living space (kitchen, dining and living space) open for us to lounge. Of course, there is the outdoor space with the 8' CLAM screen-in to lounge and eat our dinner. I love the outdoor cooking space (a two burner stove and sink) and table for food prep. However, it hasn't been as ideal because of the bugs but there is always the three burner stove, farmhouse sink, etc. inside for food prep and cooking. However, I like to do most of the cooking outdoors or Chris grilling to keep the cooking odors indoors to a minimum.

The bed is an RV King and after only two weeks on the road, decided we needed to replace it. After watching RV YouTube channels, a Zeotech foam mattress (Big Lots) received rave reviews for comfort and ability to customize or cut-down the foam to fit the desired size. So far - three nights sleeping has been excellent. Making the bed will be a challenge but one I only have to do every 1-2 weeks after washing the bedding. Time will tell how much I swear at it.

As my luck would have it, I ended up with an outer ear infection and had to seek treatment at a minute-clinic. We are not yet on COBRA and Chris' benefits ran out on 3/31/19. So, we're now navigating the minefield of health insurance. What a joy!! We're not really old enough for any benefits yet we'll have to pay 'through-the-nose' to get any benefits. Although, it has to be better than socialized healthcare that's being proposed. Shudder!!! It's all scary for all of us!!

Still trying to figure our our days and how to managed this new life and it may take some time to get a sense of what works and what doesn't. That being said,we are getting lots of rest and relaxation. Amazing what a difference it makes to get off the work treadmill.

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