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  • chrisfinncjf

So Long South Dakota!

Our time in South Dakota has FLOWN by! Hard to believe it's been 5 1/2 weeks since we arrived.

We put a total of 1253 miles / 73.1 hours on the CanAm SxS during 29 trips, not including little errands around town. The scenery has been amazing. We really got to see the Black Hills from the inside looking out instead of from the outside looking in. Just a great way to experience the Hills. We have been coming here for 10+ years and this really gave a different perspective.

We were blessed with visits from our kids (Alex and Jackie), Patricia's brother and significant other (Ron & Hellen), and our good field Jean. It was so good to see everyone.

Tomorrow (July 11th) we head to the Big Horn Mountains and will be dry camping for the next month. Updates to come.

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